Wednesday, June 16, 2021

soon i'll move

 There is a place that waits for me... There is a place i've been working on for it... There is a place that be back alive again... There is a place where i'll be work on... There is a place that will be a refugee... There is a place where soon i'll call home...
I've been working quite hard this last 5 years and soon i'll see some reward... my parents helps me a lot but the effort and hard work is done by me.. i just bought a place... is still in progress, i couldn't do it without them, i couldn't do it without my siblings, i couldn't do it without my friends...
Almost 4 years ago, after been kicked out from a place, literally to the street, i went back to my parents house, dealing with depression, low selfsteem and heartbroken i put a goal (was several goals actually) 
Rebuilding myself is one of the hardest work i have ever been doing... so wish me luck, wish me the best, send good vibes, and send love because i already started...