Hice la continuación o segunda parte de los bloques para mi sobrina, claro, me dieron dos, simplemente que con el primero estaba completamente en cero, no tenía mucha idea y ahora con el 2do las ideas fluyeron mejor... Espero duren bastante los colores aunque con una personita de 18 meses pues no se qué esperar.. por lo pronto a mi hermana le gustaron muchisimo y está pensando en que haga unos stenciles.. ya les contaré...
I keep continue or should i say i work on the 2nd part of the blocks for my niece, of course, they gave me two is just that i didn't have much idea about what to do and now with this second the ideas just flow so much better... I do really hope can last a lot although with a little person with 18 month i don't really know what to expect.. but well, my sister love it and like it a lot and now she is thinking if i can make some stencils... i'll tell you later how it goes...
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