Es solo que me gusta el campo verde, el azul de un cielo, el gris de una nube, la negra noche, las frutas naranjas, las lenguas rosas de los perros... pero lo qu
e mas me gustan son los contrastes! asi que pienso que un color puede volver algo dramatico o bonito (depende del punto de vista de cada quien), si me preguntas cuál es mi color preferido?... te diría que todos
I think everybody or almost everybody are identified with a particular color, when somebody ask my favorite color, comes to mi mind all the colors!, i just can't help myself with that, i just like all of it or most of it! the green, red, blue, purple, rose, grey, black, orange... all of it!
Is just i like the green field, the blue sky, the grey on the clouds, the black night, all the oranges on the fruits, the pink tone of the tongue of the dogs... but what i do really likes is the contrast! so i think every color can make something dramatic or cute (depends on the point of view), if you ask me what's my favorite color?... i'll answer you, all of it
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