Sunday, February 21, 2016

pastel crush...

Este será el post del que confesaré un poco mi contradicción con los colores pasteles... acarician mi pupila, son mi deleite visual! pero no los tengo ni en mi casa ni en mi ropa, son también muy girly (me siento muy tomboy para estos colores..) Yo sé que es un tanto absurdo que me agraden y a su vez no quiera incluirlos en nada conmigo, ni yo puedo explicarlo realmente... Me siento cómoda con los grises, azules, negros pero pasteles? en mi cabeza ronda la idea de pintar cielos rosas, nubes color lavanda, edificios en verde menta, tal vez todo mundo tenga ese tipo de gustos contradictorios.. espero no ser la única y de ser así, trataré de ver como poner remedio a ello, quizá deba dejarme llevar por ello y poner en mi vida los tonos pasteles, aunque mi tomboy interno diga que no...
PS: usé filtros de la genial app a color story mientras caminaba por el centro de la ciudad..

This post will be one that i'll confess about my contradiction with pastel colors... it's a tender color for my eyes, is like an eye candy!! although i don't have this colors at my place or in my wardrobe, because are too girly (i'm so tomboy for this colors...) i know, i know is so absurd that i like it but also i can't put it around me, i can't even explain that to me... I feel so confortable with the grays, blues, blacks but pastels? the idea it kinda rounds on my head like use it and paint soft pink skies, fluffy lavender clouds, old building painted in mint, maybe everybody got that kind of contradictions and is not just me... i really hope not to be the one like that and if that's the case, i may probably put some remedy on it, perhaps i've got to let it flow and put some pastel colors here and there, even when my inner tomboy says noup...
PS: i use the great app a color story for my photos while i was walking around the downtown...

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