He estado muy ocupada últimamente, entre estar trabajando, estudiando y ayudando en la boda de mi hermano, casi no he podido pintar o coser o hacer otras cosas que me gustan.. aunque he hecho recetas que he querido probar... Es Octubre, casi le digo adios a este lindo mes, no puedo dejar pasar la oportunidad de compartir lo que he encontrado en etsy, es algo muy romántico, tanto como este mes, esta es una muestra de ello, de izquierda a derecha:
-Alfiletero en crochet de bearlove1
-Tarjeta invitación rasca-rasca de InklingsPaperie
-Labial vegano de UrbanOreganics
-Guirnalda en papel de LaMiaCasa
-Casa de juguete en tela de LyuToys
-Mason Jar pintados de BeachBlues
-Aretes minimalistas de XenaStyle
-Cuaderno de caperucita roja de Ciaffi
-Jabón de canela de DancingMooney
I've been pretty busy lately, between working, studying and helping to my brother on his big fat wedding, i barely had time to paint or sew or do another things that i like to do.. although i've been cooking some recipes that i really want it to try it before... Anyway so before to say good-bye to October, a pretty month, i can't leave the chance to share what i've been seeing on etsy, is something romantic, almost like this month, so take a look! from left to right:
-Pincushion in crochet by bearlove
-Scratch-off card by InklingsPaperie
-Lip vegan butter by Urban Oreganics
-Paper heart shaped garland by LaMiaCasa
-Stuffed toy house by LyuToys
-Painted Mason Jar by BeachBlues
-Minimal style earrings by XenaStyle
-Red Ridding Hood notebook by Ciaffi
-Pink Sugar Cinnamon soap by DancingMooney
Hermoso post!!! Muchisimas gracias Vebo por pensar en Ciaffi!!! ;-) :-)
This is gorgeous, thank you!! ♥
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