En realidad los uso para hacer unas máscaras en papel maché de unas muñecas muy mexicanas que se les conoce comunmente como "Lupitas" y bueno, es un proyecto que traigo en mente desde hace tiempo, espero quede bien, así que, no hay escusa para no utilizar lo que tenemos a la mano.
It seems trendy now with all to take care our planet and use wisely our natural sources, well, sometimes i think the always we must do some conscience about it... By my own i must to said the i found the way to take advantage about things that we have everyday like use organic waste for the plants (believe me, plants really appreciate it), use fabric bags instead plastic bags from the market, use non contaminant vehicules and many other options... i use this, tickets from the bus! yup! can you believe it? actually everytime i took a bus, the bus driver give me a ticket and some people throw it to the street or in the best cases to the garbage...