Monday, May 28, 2012

Let's go to the Museum!!

Este fin de semana aproveché la oportunidad para ir al Museo de Arte moderno de Denver, aunque he ido seguido esta vez fuí para ver la retrospectiva de Yves Saint Laurent, lamentablemente no pude tomar fotos, pero eso no impidió llevarme a la mente buenos recuerdos y admirar el trabajo de YSL!!  Salí de ahí pensando una cosa: rodeate de las cosas y personas que te inspiran!

This past weekend i went to visit Denver Art Museum, although i went there often, this time i went to see the retrospective of Yves Saint Laurent, unfortunatly i can not be able to take photos, but that doesn't let me to keep all the images as a good memory and admire the work and designs of YSL!! After admired the exhibition i went out thinking in something: surround yourself with things and people that inspire you!

Friday, May 18, 2012

The twins

He trabajado últimamente en pequeños formatos, por razones prácticas y por probar algo distinto..  y  no está nada mal!! les presento a ustedes este par de pinturas pequeñas en proceso que los he nombrado los gemelos!... y ya pronto los terminaré!! YaY
I've been working lately in small canvas, for practicle reasons and to try something different... and is not bad at all!! i introduce to you a small pieces still in progress the i've name it as the twins!... and i almost finish them!! YaY

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Night Stand...

Un buen lugar para estos pequeños que no quieren estar colgados en la pared...
A great place to this little guys that doesn't want to be hanging in the wall...